Kumar de Silva

GYPSY TALES … The Prologue

GYPSY TALES … stories from my life !  

As I enter my 60s in December this year, I had this brilliant idea of writing my life story. It felt grand. And then again it felt terribly presumptuous too.

“Who would”, I asked myself in all seriousness, “be interested in my life story” however special it might be to me. There was a tinge of embarrassment too.

But I knew that I had some interesting stories from the different eras of my life that ran parallel to the changes in society and the world I grew up in. I had to find a compromise.

And compromised, I did.

I would embark on a long string of stories inspired by the various incidents, situations, experiences, people, etc etc etc and upload them here on my blog. For some comforting reason that option felt less presumptuous.

Now for a title. What would I call the collection ?

Two Sinhala words sprang to mind.

“Ahikuntaka Kathaa”. Gypsy Tales in English.

Apart from the ring of the sounds which I took to instantly, the title had greater meaning.

A gypsy is a nomadic or free-spirited person with no fixed above but with an itinerant way of life.

In  broader sense, that’s what I am too, that’s what we all are … a gypsy in Samsara … a gypsy in this current incarnation … and one day I will journey on.

And so I sit down at my laptop to write those tales ….

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