Priyanthi de Silva Sivapragasam (1944 – 2021) Priyanthi de Silva, as she was known then, was one of those charming figures and memories from my childhood, during those many, many years I went for music lessons to her mother Aunty Dorothy at No 19 Kinross Avenue, in Bambalapitiya. The Priyanthi of my childhood and early teens was a very effervescent and charming woman with a smile splashed right across her face. And through that smile you could feel her warmth and sincerity. It was all pervasive. During those very early years I actually hardly came into contact with Priyanthi. It was always Aunty Dorothy, whom I loved dearly and as I still do even to this day. Music lessons with Aunty Dorothy went on forever. She never heard the clock chime nor did I want to remind her either. There were also times when she invited me to tea in